Delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) describes a muscular pain or muscular soreness that occurs 24 to 48 hours after intense exercise. This muscular soreness is most frequently felt when you begin a new exercise program, change your exercise routine or increase the intensity of your exercise routine.
Delayed onset muscle soreness may be the result of muscle tissue breakdown. The amount of tearing (and soreness) depends on how hard and for how long you exercise and what type of exercise you do. DOMS is often precipitated predominantly by eccentric exercise, such as downhill running, plyometrics, and resistance training. Lactic acid and its accumulation was once thought to be a major cause of DOMS, however, this is not the case. Blood lactate returns to resting levels within one hour of exercise, even after extremely intense bouts of work.
The best advice for treating DOMS is to prevent it in the first place.There is no one simple way to treat delayed onset muscle soreness. In fact, there has been an ongoing debate about both the cause and treatment of DOMS.
Warm-up has been shown to be effective in reducing symptoms of DOMS. Using warm up to increase muscle temperature is thought to improve muscle function by leading greater muscle elasticity, an increased resistance of muscle tissue to tearing, more relaxed muscles, an increased extensibility of connective tissues within muscle, and decreased muscle viscosity. This, in turn, allows for more efficient muscle contractions, which increases the speed and force.
Causes of Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness
Delayed onset muscle soreness may be the result of muscle tissue breakdown. The amount of tearing (and soreness) depends on how hard and for how long you exercise and what type of exercise you do. DOMS is often precipitated predominantly by eccentric exercise, such as downhill running, plyometrics, and resistance training. Lactic acid and its accumulation was once thought to be a major cause of DOMS, however, this is not the case. Blood lactate returns to resting levels within one hour of exercise, even after extremely intense bouts of work.
What is the treatment for muscle soreness after exercise?
Nothing is proven to be 100 percent effective and, although some people have found the following advice helpful, it's best to try a few things and see what works for you.The best advice for treating DOMS is to prevent it in the first place.There is no one simple way to treat delayed onset muscle soreness. In fact, there has been an ongoing debate about both the cause and treatment of DOMS.
Warm-up has been shown to be effective in reducing symptoms of DOMS. Using warm up to increase muscle temperature is thought to improve muscle function by leading greater muscle elasticity, an increased resistance of muscle tissue to tearing, more relaxed muscles, an increased extensibility of connective tissues within muscle, and decreased muscle viscosity. This, in turn, allows for more efficient muscle contractions, which increases the speed and force.
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